Hi there, I’d like to implement serial comms over USB on the MAX32620. The usual approach of simply defining Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX)
utilises the pins on the MAXDAP header, rather than the on-board micro USB.
I’m aware that there are UARTs available on the PMOD connectors, so an alternative approach is available, but I was wondering if there were any code examples which use the USB port?
FTHR_USB_Serial_mbed-v6.7 - Virtual USB Serial demo application | Mbed
But I am not sure about it is on 32620 supported. When you check the target.json file, the 32630 has USBDEVICE, but the 32620 does not.
Try to add content below to mbed_app.json
file (Create it in project folder if does not exist)
"target_overrides": {
"target.device_has_add": ["USBDEVICE"]
DTR signal will be probably required from PC serial terminal app.
BR, Jan
Thanks for the info - I shall give this a try.