I am looking for some help on how to debug an issue on my MBED NXP LPC1768 board. It is programmed via USB and appears as a drive when I plug it in on my windows machine.
I recently exported my project from the online compiler into Keil uVision, (so that I can use proper version control features in GIT), and after a lot of modifying paths, it now successfully builds into a binary file in Keil. However, when I put that Bin file on the USB drive, it fails to start up. However, I can remove it from the USB drive and then the last project boots up fine. If I build this same project in the online compiler, it boots up fine.
I have another project built in Keil uVision that DOES build and run on this MBED, so I know it is possible to do with this version of mbed-os and Keil uVision.
So my question is what tools/techniques are there to help debug/diagnose why it isn’t booting up? Its not bricking the unit, there is no serial output, and it compiles to a bin file without errors, so I’m not sure what the next step is on how to debug the issue!
Its the ‘Real’ Keil uVision (v5.24), we have a full license for it. I move the project out of Keil Studio Cloud into Keil uVision.
I am using MBED OS2 for both projects, the one that builds and runs, and the project that builds but doesn’t run. I know there are later versions of MBED OS which I use for other projects but the changes would require a full re-write so I have left this project on MBED OS2.
I believe The DAP firmware version is rev 16457?
In the HTM file, it says:
As I said, I have a project which will build and run from the same version of Keil uVision onto the same exact MBED LPC1768, so I need to work out why the binary file is being rejected. I tried putting an infinite loop at the beginning of main that just prints a character, hoping the compiler would optimise everything else out and then I could work out at which point it was crashing by moving the infinite loop further into the program, but it never prints anything out.