Hi everyone,
I’m working with the Cypress PSoC 6 board in Mbed OS. I need to develop an AP Mode WiFi example. Are there any examples available? Can you send me some resources to get started?
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
I’m working with the Cypress PSoC 6 board in Mbed OS. I need to develop an AP Mode WiFi example. Are there any examples available? Can you send me some resources to get started?
Thank you.
I think it is not possible with Mbed OS APIs itself, it is not supported by Mbed. You probably need find a driver or SDK for Cypress PSoC 6 wifi and make it by your self.
Here you can see official WIFI drivers mbed-os/connectivity/drivers/wifi at master · ARMmbed/mbed-os (github.com)
BR, Jan
Hi Jan,
Thanks for the quick reply. Do you have an example of how to use the driver you sent me? Like a simple main.cpp file.