There is a problem with the version of MbedOS 6. Why is there such an error?
SerialBase::attach(callback , &PS3::getdata, SerialBase::RxIrq);
{Too many arguments to function call, expected at most 2, have 3clang(typecheck_call_too_many_args_at_most)}
That is not a problem of Mbed OS6, but of your knowledge. Wrong syntax = error. And because there again missing a context I will try some telepathic magic.
Declaration of the attach looks like - void attach(Callback<void()> func, IrqType type = RxIrq); - two parametrs (focus on commas)
So this SerialBase::attach(callback , &PS3::getdata, SerialBase::RxIrq); is wrong because there are 3 parameters, how compiler wrote.
It might look like this SerialBase::attach(callback(PS3::getdata), SerialBase::RxIrq); probably.