Hello JohnnyK,
Quickly I need q, some Arm Mbed C++ SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) examples and a step by step tutorial
for the Nucleo-F429ZI board please?
Any web pages URL with the above information please?
Thanks and best regards,
Hello JohnnyK,
Quickly I need q, some Arm Mbed C++ SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) examples and a step by step tutorial
for the Nucleo-F429ZI board please?
Any web pages URL with the above information please?
Thanks and best regards,
there is nothing specific for F429ZI I think, so you can use any SPI code probably. That’s the advantage of Mbed.
BR, Jan
Thank you very much for the information,
May I please have more SPI C++ examples for:
Blocking and non-blocking mode
Multiple Independent slaves
Multiple Daisy chained slaves
Expander configuration
as described in the Wikipedia link you have given.
Is there a URL link that explains SPI in blocking versus non-blocking?
Thanks and best regards,
BR, Jan