Problem with 'mbed.h'


I have connected to the Keil Studio Cloud (windows) and created the mbed-os-example-blinky example project, selected a target. When I open a main.cpp I see the error :
‘mbed.h’ file not foundclang(pp_file_not_found)

Please help me with this problem



try to refresh page or delete and create the project once again. Sometimes it happen the Studio badly initialize the project.

Just for info. Issues related to Keil Studio place to correct forum section Latest Keil Studio topics - Arm Mbed OS support forum. The current one is for old Online compiler what was replaced by Keil Studio Cloud

BR, Jan

Thank you for your comment.
I have deleted the project several times and the problem exist (see me screenshot)

Ok, i see you upload a picture few sec ago.

It seems the target you choose is not supported.

If you have the Nucleo board then select directly the Nucleo

BR, Jan

Thank you Jan!

My problem has been fixed.


OK, but can you tell to others what was the problem and how to solve it?
Your Solution mark to post where you wrote “the problem exist” tell nothing to others.

BR, Jan

H Gan,

I have selected not supported target “STM32” board. Need to select supported boards.
