Memory capacities shown in buliding looks full:128KB/128KB. Is it no problem?
I want to make PWM wave with high ferquency, and I set timer counter limit(On the image,register TIM5->ARR determins). When TIM5->ARR is under a limit, PWM wave disappers. I think it shows insufficient capacity of microcontroller’s memory.
First, signal’s look up data is shown on the top of source code, I made a header file, and I took the look up data to it, but this problem still exists.If the problem is from insufficient capacity, what do I have to do for solving?
I use Nucleo-F446RE, and its timers TIM2 and TIM5. Their clock freqencies are 45MHz.(I also adjust frequency demultiplier ratio(TIM5->PSC and TIM2->PSC).