Ublox C030 board support for Mbed OS 6.x


Is it intended to add support for Mbed OS 6.x for Ublox boards like C030-R412m?


you probably need to ask Ublox (maybe Ublox support), because from my understanding the boards are usually added by its owners/creators.

BR, Jan

@MarceloSalazar @RobMeades @andreaslarsson @fahimalavi

Hi there. I’m not directly involved in this anymore but my understanding is that, unfortunately, as of mbed-os 6 u-blox is no longer an ARM mbed-os partner; we will continue to bug fix as necessary on the earlier mbed-os versions but not, I’m afraid, on mbed-os 6.

That’s very BAD! :sob:

I can only apologize I’m afraid. In the end I believe it simply came down to an effort/return decision by our product management.