Exporting to Keil from Mbed online - Undefined symbol mbed_fault_context (referred from .\build\except.o) FRDM-K64F

Hello, I’m trying to export mbed-os v6 programmes from the on-line compiler to compile locally with Kiel for the FRDM K64F Board.
However I get the error Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol mbed_fault_context (referred from .\build\except.o).
Has anyone any suggestions on how to correct this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Jeremy,

can you build your programs locally with mbed-cli or mbed-studio? Or do you specifically need to compile with Kiel ?


Hello Anna, Thanks for the reply. This is actually for teaching use in the Covid era. Normally I hand out students the K64F Boards with application shields so they can work in their own time on University PCs or there own windows PCs. This is not the case this year and I have computers in a Lab which they can Remote Desktop to and programme the boards. However they can’t press the reset button so need to use the Keil Debugger to get the programme started. In the past I started them with the on-line MBed compiler and then get them to export to Keil so they could debug. Obviously the only output they can see remotely is via the serial com port. I had hoped to use MBED v6 this year buts its looking like I may just start with the Freescale examples in Keil. Students generally don’t like things not working first time in the early stages. I was hoping that some standard Mbed OS6 examples could be downloaded and run. Its probably a bit late to get Mbed Studio installed on the University PCs and for me to get proficient with its use.