Online Compiler Issue

Hi, I’m totally Novice in using Electronic board and online IDE. Hope you get the issue I mentioned.
I’ve STM32L101RB board, I logged in to mbed site to execute my first program but faced difficulties and unable to find the solution. Problems are as follows:-

  1. Online mbed compiler is throwing the same error. This is the link Compiler Deprecation | Mbed

2.Earlier error in Keil Studio was firmware update then I updated the firmware from STM32CubeIDE but now compiling Online through Keil Studio ,

Pressing debug or run or build project it throws these errors

"Failed to run program: Request build failed with message: Build failed . Please refer to the documentation "

Could not complete debug: Request build failed with message : Build failed

Project build failed: Request failed with message: Build failed
If anyone resolved it please provide solution and thanks in advance.


for old Online compiler try logout your account on Free open source IoT OS and development tools from Arm | Mbed for few minutes, then log again and try again. If this will not help you need help from support.

In the Keil Studio cloud checks the Target hardware combobox. Before name of your target is USB logo and a exclamation mark in a circle. When you palce your mouse above that you will see dialog with an info - your target is not supported with the active project's version of MbedOS.

However I can not found any information about STM32L010 on Mbed web, so it seems like it was never supported in the past.
One similar is - NUCLEO-L011K4 | Mbed which was supported in Mbed2 and MbedOS 5 and them was dropped.

BR, Jan


Thank you for quick reply and valuable info .
I logged out and logged in Old Online Compiler but problem remain same.
For Keil Studio Compiler , what you said is correct target is not supported.

I watched youtube and there they mentioned “Keil Micro Vision 5”, but while creating new project I saw stm32 option is missing from microcontroller section only ARM is mentioned.

I installed stm32 Cube IDE , as a beginner I felt there syntax of coding is different .
I think need to wander more to get the proper solution.
Thanks again for your valuable reply.