Trying to get my head around the transition away from the mbed online compiler. I understand that is going in December 2022 and I need to move across to Keil Studio. However, is mbed studio going to remain, or will it also go in December?
Hi Andrew,
You are mistaken. It is Mbed Online Compiler that is being deprecated at the end of this year, not Mbed Studio.
Hello Kanthan
Thanks for your email. Would you recommend Keil Studio or Mbed Studio going forward? I am doing basic embedded applications using LPC1114, 1124 and LPC8xxx.
Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Andrew,
That is entirely up to you. Both support mbed projects. Keil Studio is an online IDE where you don’t have to deal with installers and Mbed Studio is the desktop equivalent.
There is DAPLink firmware for LPC1114, LPC800 and LPC824 so these should work in both IDEs. It is best to use the latest firmware which can be obtained from Troubleshooting/Out-of-date-firmware
PS: can you please remove the “Solution” status from post #2
Hi Kanthan - post 2 removed as requested.