Sistematic errors when attempting to import a project or library into Keil Studio

From many days I’m experimenting systematic errors when I attempt to import official demo projects into Keil Studio; in particular I am not able to import projects or to add any library to existing projects for my STM32F746G Discovery Board.

If I try to import the officials demo projects available for the board, like the DISCO-F746NG_LCD_demo or the [DISCO-F746NG_LCDTS_demo] (
DISCO-F746NG_LCDTS_demo - Basic demo showing how to use the touch screen pr… | Mbed), I always obtain the error

Failed to create project DISCO-F746NG_SD_demo: 
Check that the URL given in the cmsis-import-url parameter is a program zip file that can be downloaded using https protocol.

Moreover, if I try to add a library to the active project, I always obtain the error

Request revision failed with message: Result code from Hg command line: 255. Error: abort: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error 

I tried to import many other official demo projects for this board but the result is always the same.

Also I’m experimenting many stability and availability issues with the Keil Studio; yesterday, November 8, 2022, I had problem accessing the platform for all the day.

Please, can I know if there is some known limitation with the STM32F846G-DISCO board support in Keil Studio?

Also, can I know if stability/availability issues of Keil Studio and other website sections are known?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards.


For your question about Keil Studio’s availability, you can check this post [Incident] System outage and Mercurial instability - Tuesday 8 November

We experienced some stability issues yesterday.
While most services should be running as normal today, Mercurial actions remain unavailable.

Do you use also a local installation? I have started with Jamies MbedCE environment and just yesterday added the F746 target to my current project. It compiles for the Disco F769 and F746, including ethernet, MQTT and SD card. It is still work in progress and needs cleanup, but it works somehow.
For the F769, it needs a dev branch for adding custom linker scripts, a feature that I really miss in mbed-os.

Hello, can anyone post DISCO-F746G_LCD_demo touchscreen file for download. When I go to DISCO-F746NG_LCDTS_demo - Basic demo showing how to use the touch screen pr… | Mbed it says that that is temporarily disabled. I dont know where else to find this file to test my discovery kit. Thank yall.


try to read it again and whole text of the error. Maybe clicking the link Forum (Same link provided 2 posts above) can be helpful too. I believe that will help you understand that situation.

Good luck

BR, Jan

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