Issues importing Mbed 2 Library...followed instructions but still not working

I have created a new account on Keil Studio and am having issues importing a library for the mbed.
I have followed the instructions on how to do this on Keil Studio (see image below), however when I press the Next button it appears to lock up. At first I thought it was large file but 30 mins later its still hanging up??
Anyone know what I am doing wrong.

If its any use, I have an older account that was created on the old mbed online compiler that was switched off at the end of 2022 and transferred over to Keil, this appears to work fine as it must have dragged over the libraries in the transfer.

I have created a new fresh account as I have started a new job in an educational setting and need to get it set up to start teaching so its quite urgent

Hello Glen,

it has nothing to do with your account, but first. It is recommended to use latest MbedOS version instead of old mbed2 version!

The support of mbed2 library in KeilStudio is very limited. You probably have to import whole project where the mbed2 already is or create new project in KeilStudio with mbed2 and then transfer/copy rest from old to new one.


BR, Jan