Im trying to get to grips with Keil Studio, coming from the basic mbed on line compiler. I use very basic controllers (LPC1114, LPC8xxx for deeply embedded applications doing I/O control, A-D etc.
I tried to compile one of my shorter programs and get this error ‘CMSIS Target nor recognised’. I’m using an LPC1114
I note that on very short I/O test programs, I can compile OK. None of my compiled programs ( i.e. .bin file) on the mbed compiler exceeds c. 8k.
Can someone point me in the direction I need to go to resolve the error message?
Jan, so if I understand correctly, when I use the blinky example and select mbed LPC1114, it builds a bare metal profile that I can use for my programs (obviously after pasting in my main code and .h files)?