Mbed-OS 5 not working in Keil Studio Cloud

I have tried to compile the blinky example for target B96B_F446VE. This is no longer supoorted in Mbed6, so I have changed mbed-os lib to 5.15. Tried with different versions, but always got the same error as with mbed-os-6. Is mbed-os-5 not supported here?

Build started
Target "B96B_F446VE" is not recognized
Internal error.
Build failed
Build failed

a test with STM target and Mbed 5.15.0 gave a different error:

Build started
Using toolchain ARMC6 profile {'ENV': {'ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE': '8224@'}, 'PATHS': {'ARMC6_PATH': '/opt/ARMCompiler6.15.13/bin/', 'ARM_PATH': '/opt/armcc5_06_u6/'}, 'common': ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'], 'cxx': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'], 'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False, 'NEW_SCAN_RESOURCES': True}
scan /tmp/chroots/ch-e040f388-0f4e-45cd-9b7f-8dd9fa222a07/src
scan /tmp/chroots/ch-e040f388-0f4e-45cd-9b7f-8dd9fa222a07/extras/mbed-os.lib
Library name 'QUECTEL_EC2X' is not unique (defined in '/tmp/chroots/ch-e040f388-0f4e-45cd-9b7f-8dd9fa222a07/src/mbed-os/features/cellular/framework/targets/QUECTEL/EC2X/mbed_lib.json' and '/tmp/chroots/ch-e040f388-0f4e-45cd-9b7f-8dd9fa222a07/extras/mbed-os.lib/connectivity/drivers/cellular/QUECTEL/EC2X/mbed_lib.json')
Internal error.
Build failed
Build failed

Hi Johannes. I tried to recreate this issue but wasn’t able to. I successfully built the official Blinky example for OS 5.15.7 with B96B_F446VE as the target.

When you switched to 5.15 did you start from scratch and pick it from the ‘New project’ interface?

If not, the issue may be with switching libraries on the library management interface. If you can provide more detail on the steps you took we’ll take a closer look.


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thanks for your fast reply, If have started with mbed-os-example-blinky, but I have checked if for OS 5. I have changed the library version after I got the not supported error. I will try it again as you showed.

And then it works, thanks!

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