First time using MBED Studio (Win10, Mbed Studio: 1.4.4): when trying to compile the Blinky application, I get this error message:
Failed to run program: Failed to read build profile: 'file:///c%3A/Users/Greg/Mbed%20Programs/mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os/tools/profiles/develop.json' has not been found.
Thank you for the reply but I am still uncertain how to fix this issue. I have managed to compile the Blinky and other example firmware and upload them with the browser-based compiler. Why does Studio doesn’t let me compile the project? Why is the configuration .json missing and how can I fix the issue?
How I wrote in the old topic, the file is present directly in mbed-os/tools/profiles/ so should be downloaded together with MbedOS library. First, just for sure be so kind and check that directory if the file is there.
Jan is correct. It seems that your project is incorrectly configured. mbed-os folder is most likely incomplete. To resolve this issue can I ask you few questions?
Can you check if your mbed-os-example-blinky project contains mbed-os/tools folder?
What steps have you used to import a project on your system?
My guess is that your project compiles in Online Compiler as it doesn’t require full mbed-os folder to be present. Build system used in Online Compiler uses its own copies of Mbed OS (based on mbed-os.lib file from the project). Mbed Studio on the other hand requires full mbed-os folder to be present in the project’s root folder.